32 bit Halloween Event!

Yuki's Spooky Cute Halloween 23'

Welcome to Yuki's Spooky Cute Halloween 23', this page is small than the one last year, since the event kind of spooked up on me! But I tried to bang out some cute and cool pixels, revamp my joke generator and make a dress up game! I was planning to release a twine Halloween themed COYA game but that won't come out until next month, but if you're interested in that kind of stuff check back later on my main site.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the tricks and treats on my page, and have a spooky cool halloween!

Spooky Pixels

Busted Soda

I was making these sodas, and I accidentally dropped 'em, but don't worry they still taste good, they're just a bit busted...oof!


Soda Can Template From Fizzy Vendor

Halloween Mocktails


Cupcake and Cocktail Glass template by Mouse


Pumpkins by

Come adopt some spooky cute animals

Kittens From Kitty Friends , Buns From Bunny Garden

Yuki Kao-ani




Besides candy Yuki loves to tell bad Halloween jokes (she gets it from her dad), Here are a few of Yuki's favorite hits...

Yuki's Halloween Dress up

Help Yuki pick out an costume to wear for Halloween!

Yuki's Stash

Happy Halloween

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